Friday, June 13, 2014

To My Husband

Photo credit Kristen Booth Photography

 Eric, I've been sitting here trying to put into words everything you mean to me. This coming week we celebrate Father's Day, our 8th wedding anniversary, our son's 2 year adoption day, and our daughter's 6 month birthday. Gosh, I have so much to be thankful for, most especially, you! You have been my best friend for almost 12 years. We have been through wonderful and beautiful times together, like sharing our first kiss on our wedding day, living in a camper in New Orleans, living and working together in Bat Cave, adopting our son, and giving birth to our daughter and so many more. We've also been through absolute hell together, but we've made it through by the grace of God and have come out stronger and more in love with each other on the other side.

You are an incredible husband and the most amazing, tender, and loving daddy. Watching you become a proud daddy to our son, Shaun, was one of my favorite things ever. The man who hardly ever showed his emotions, all of the sudden would get overwhelmed with emotion when talking about his son. I've seen you show so much patience and grace with Shaun and also be hard on him when he needed it. He looks up to you so much. He wants to be just like you. I love watching him at church on Sundays copying everything you do, whether that be directing the choir or him mimicking you playing guitar. That kid adores you! Even though he may not always show it that well. I hope one day Shaun will grow up to be a Godly man just like you.

You are also my hero and a source of strength in my life. I don't know how I could've made it through the last few years without you, and most recently, I don't know how I could have gone through the labor and delivery of our daughter without your love, strength, and support. You encouraged me, held my hand, held me up when I thought I would give out, made sure I stayed hydrated, tried to keep me cool, and prayed for me. I don't think I can ever thank you enough for being such a supportive husband.

You have transitioned into the role of being the daddy to a baby girl flawlessly. You are so precious with our sweet girl, and man does she look like you! Right now you are walking around our house bouncing our girl trying to get her to sleep. :) I know you are exhausted and have been up since 3:30am, yet you are still willing to try and get our girl to sleep for the night. I love seeing how having a daughter has changed you. You are even more sensitive now and just so smitten with her. She adores you and lights up when she sees you. She thinks you are hilarious, and I know she must feel so safe in your arms.You are the most amazing Daddy!

Photo credit: Ruby Peoples Photography

All of this is to say, thank you. Thank you for loving me and our kids so selflessly. You are an amazing man, and I'm proud to say you are my husband and the daddy to my children. 
 I love you much! Happy Father's Day and Happy Anniversary!

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