Saturday, March 25, 2017

My 31st Birthday

Today was my 31st birthday. It was an interesting day. It started off with me getting up early and heading to Planned Parenthood to do sidewalk counseling. This is something I do every other Saturday. Our local Planned Parenthood has 1 scheduled abortion day each week and it alternates between Friday and Saturday, so I do the Saturdays. When I'm out there, I have resource packets for the mothers and fathers, I offer to help them and to help meet any need they have, I plead with them not to kill their babies, and share with them the hope and forgiveness they can have in Jesus Christ.

Today was an especially hard day at Planned Parenthood. About 18 mothers came in to have their babies killed by abortion. 18 babies, 18 image bearers of God, 18 little boys or girls, had their lives unjustly ended today. I was heartbroken. No one really seemed to listen today. And what made this day even harder is that this week I walked alongside with one of my best friends as she miscarried her baby. Her baby that she wanted so much. I've shed tears with her and cried out so many prayers.

Something she and I talked about this week is that it's not the fact that she wanted her baby that made her baby have personhood. It doesn't matter if a baby is wanted or not, every person, from the moment of conception, is a human being that has value and worth because they are made in the imago dei, the image of God.

These mothers may not have wanted their babies, but their babies were loved. I loved their babies, I valued them, and I valued the lives of those babies' mothers and fathers.

I love the ministry God has put me in. It's so hard and devastating most days, but I do know God's word doesn't return void. He is doing something. He's doing things I can't imagine or even see. And some days, I am privileged to see what He's doing. Some days I actually see babies' lives saved. Those are good days.

Anyway, this is something I'm very passionate about and love to encourage others in. It wasnt an easy way to start my birthday, but I'm thankful for God's grace in allowing me to do it. Keep praying for those mothers and fathers and for sidewalk ministers across the country. If you'd like more info about this ministry you can email me at

The rest of my day was a bit brighter. I was able to spend it with my family. My husband and children each got me cards and they bought me a bouquet of beautiful tulips, one of my favorite flowers, and a pretty vase. I was then spoiled with lunch of my choice and a delicious coconut milk mocha macchiato. I was able to get a few pictures with my kids today, and I also have comparis on shot from my 30th birthday vs my 31st birthday. Last year I was 32 weeks pregnant with Kuyper on my birthday and this year he's just 2 days away from 10 months old. It's hard to believe. Anyway, enjoy these pictures from today.

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